Slopes, Sliders, and Simplicity


Slopes have been added back to the test scene for feedback.

UI has been cut down to 3 Sliders and 2 Toggles.

- Gravity (slider)

- Fall Speed Smoothing (slider)

- Jump Release Aggression (slider)

- Linear movement on Ground (toggle)

- Linear Movement in Air (toggle)

Personal Take

Honestly I am pretty happy with this current iteration of the movement build at the default settings. I decided using the built in gravity value was problematic because it added force that affected velocity after the fixed update. This caused sliding on the slope since I was no longer using friction. Once I manually applied gravity, slopes worked as intended leaving me with one problem: circle colliders slip on corners. I flopped back and forth on using a circle vs box collider since boxes didn't have the slip issue. I got close using a ground check with the circle to determine if the gravity should be 0 or not, but setting gravity to 0 added some 'floaty bumps' to other features like moving over slopes and edges. Boxes had their own issues with non-flat surfaces, the smallest curve could create a bump while moving on a slope since the corners could catch it.

Then it dawned on me to just swap out colliders depending on if you're on a slope or not, and honestly it worked better than I thought it would. Maybe I am tripping though from staying up playing Minecraft 1.18 release, so I think I need other people to confirm that this feel good or if I missed a case where it behaves strangely.

Thanks again to anyone who tests it and thanks even more to anyone who gives feedback, it really helped me focus my updates and get closer to finishing this movement prototype!

Files Play in browser
Dec 03, 2021

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